Introducing our Team
Sin Ling Chung
Over the past 35+ years, I have consolidated my experience in IPO process with HKEX, fund raising, corporateturnaround, operational management, international brand building, big data utilization, strategic planning, businessdevelopment, sales & marketing, budget planning, customer service, R&D product development and engineering. Mskill and knowledge are accumulated from diferent regions (China-PRC,USA, Australia, Europe, Hong Kong &Taiwan) and industry sectors Medical technologies, electric vehicle, mobile data applications, B-to-B and B-o-(internet Online services, Teleconmunication network services, Consumer Electronics , My professional educationobtained from Australia with the MBA and the USA with the Elec. Engineering Degree. Besides, my internationalexposure also provides me a strong ability to communicate well and build up good interpersonal relationship withpeople of different backgrounds
To further enrich my lifetime learing experience, I have developed strong passion in aged care sector with the visionto integrate smart technologies into aged homes seamlessly. With such vision in mind, I completed Aged Care Cert Iland Cert IV courses in 2019 and 2022. I also join the volunteering team of St John Community Care (Adelaide), LHlAged home and Campbelltown Council CHSP group.