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Flinders University - Australian Chinese iSupport for Dementia program

Flinders University - Australian Chinese iSupport for Dementia program

The “Australian Chinese iSupport for Dementia program” is a self-learning dementia skill training program for carers of people with dementia.

The program enables carers to access information and care services for people with dementia and their carers.

The program was originally developed by the World Health Organization and was translated and culturally adapted in Chinese-Australian communities. The National Foundation for Australian-China Relations, Australian Government funded the cultural adaptation and the trial of the Chinese iSupport program through the research project “Strengthening professional collaboration in dementia caregiver education and research via the provision and evaluation of the iSupport program in Australia and Greater China”.

The research project was led by Professor Lily Xiao at Flinders University.

Global research on iSupport program indicates that the program can improve caregivers’ self-efficacy, enhance their mental health, and reduce their stress. These outcomes on carers will enable them to maintain high-quality dementia care at home, reduce hospital and emergency department use, and delaying the admission of individuals with dementia into aged care facilities.

The Chines iSupport program includes six modules: Introduction to Dementia; Being a Caregiver; Caring for Myself; Providing Daily Care and Coping with Behavioural Changes; and My engagement in consumer-directed care.

Based on carers’ needs, we have created the following iSupport multimedia resources for dementia carers and professionals who support carers (such as support workers) to use.

You can also download or open the “iSupport Information leaflet.” (see the PDF icons below) and use the QR code to access these iSupport multimedia resources.

iSupport Information Leaflet (Simplified Chinese):


iSupport Information Leaflet (Traditional Chinese):


1). Chinese iSupport for Dementia web-based program: Chinese) (Traditional Chinese)

2). Chinese iSupport for Dementia E-Books:

https://researchnow-admin.flinders.edu.au/ws/portalfiles/portal/60428427/iSupport_handbook_Simplified_Chinese.pdf (Simplified Chinese)


(Traditional Chinese)

3). Chinese iSupport for Dementia audiobooks: (Simplified Chinese) (Traditional Chinese)

4) iSupport lite posters(Simplified Chinese)

海报1:寻求和接受帮助 (This poster shows a family carer who seeks and accepts help after a family member experience short memory loss.)

海报2:照顾好您自己 (This poster highlights the need for self-care for family carers.)

海报3:为将来做预先规划 (This poster shows that dementia is a difficult condition but planning for the journey ahead can make things easier.)

海报4:保持积极客观的心态 (This poster shows how a family carer looks after a family member with changed behaviours.)

海报5:保持愉快的生活 (This poster highlights the need to maintain a flexible and familiar routine for a family member living with dementia.)

海报6:促进沟通 (This poster highlights the need to facilitate communication with a family member living with dementia.)

iSupport lite posters(Traditional Chinese)

海報1:尋求和接受幫助 (This poster shows a family carer who seeks and accepts help after a family member experience short memory loss.)

海報2:照顧好您自己 (This poster highlights the need for self-care for family carers.)

海報3:為將來做預先規劃 (This poster shows that dementia is a difficult condition but planning for the journey ahead can make things easier.)

海報4:保持積極客觀的心態 (This poster shows how a family carer looks after a family member with changed behaviours.)

海報5:保持愉快的生活 (This poster highlights the need to maintain a flexible and familiar routine for a family member living with dementia.)

海報6:促進溝通 (This poster highlights the need to facilitate communication with a family member living with dementia.)

5)iSupport lite videos (Simplified Chinese)

动画1:寻求和接受帮助 (This video shows a family carer who seeks and accepts help after a family member experience short memory loss.)

动画2:照顾好您自己 (This video highlights the need for self-care for family carers.)

动画3:为将来做预先规划 (This video shows that dementia is a difficult condition but planning for the journey ahead can make things easier.)

动画4:保持积极客观的心态 (This video shows how a family carer looks after a family member with changed behaviours.)

动画5:保持愉快的生活 (This video highlights the need to maintain a flexible and familiar routine for a family member living with dementia.)

动画6:促进沟通 (This video highlights the need to facilitate communication with a family member living with dementia.)

iSupport lite videos(Traditional Chinese)

動畫1:尋求和接受幫助 (This video shows a family carer who seeks and accepts help after a family member experience short memory loss.)

動畫2:照顧好您自己 (This video highlights the need for self-care for family carers.)

動畫3:為將來做預先規劃 (This video shows that dementia is a difficult condition but planning for the journey ahead can make things easier.)

動畫4:保持積極客觀的心態 (This video shows how a family carer looks after a family member with changed behaviours.)

動畫5:保持愉快的生活 (This video highlights the need to maintain a flexible and familiar routine for a family member living with dementia.)

動畫6:促進溝通 (This video highlights the need to facilitate communication with a family member living with dementia.)

If you need any further assistance, please contact Chinese Welfare Services via 08 82122988, or email to Chinese iSupport Research team via  ChineseiSupport@flinders.edu.au .