Welcome from the President
Welcome from the President
2023 From the President Vivien Shae
Participation, consultation, and care for our elderly citizens in multicultural South Australia
After over 2 decades of serving the Chinese Welfare Services (CWS) in various roles and capacities, it is with much pleasure and humility that I have been re-elected as President of the Chinese Welfare Services. I return with a renewed vigour to lead our organisation and service our diverse Chinese- Australian communities during this term.
As our organisation moves forward, we can be proud of the community achievements in this past decade. We have moved from serving the Chinese communities with few programs and resources to a much larger organisation with increased recruitment of staff, a larger volunteer base and several programs with support funding from State and Federal Australian Governments. This has had a far-reaching positive impact within our Chinese speaking communities, especially with the growing number of elderly consumers that continue to rely on our organisation for a variety of support and care.
However, in moving forward, it is timely to revisit and renew the way we implement our organisations vision and mission to address new challenges and competing demands as our community grows and programs increase. To this end, I am, among other things, committed to holding a series of families and community consultations so that we can be more responsive to the changing needs of our community. By setting this aim, we can become more strategic so we can improve our service delivery to all our consumers and members. This includes listening and responding to our young as well as the growing elderly population so that their lives and adjustments to our multicultural society are smooth, rewarding and productive.
I am thankful to the members, staff and community volunteers for your hard work and commitment for your work in delivery high quality service to our large Chinese speaking community.
I am confident that with our strong management committee and generous volunteer base, our work and service to our communities will create positive change that benefits and strengthens community cohesion.
Vivien Shae
President 2023 to 2025
Chinese Welfare Services SA Inc.
Please visit our website regularly for updates on social and cultural activities for elderly citizens. All are welcome!